Anna von Hausswolff- "Track of Time"

Anna von Hausswolff is a Swedish singer-songwriter whose 2010 album, Singing From the Grave, went painfully unnoticed on our side of the pond. There was no physical release over here, so PR was probably limited.

Anyway, there’s a bit of press fodder on the website of Anna’s label, KNING DISK, about how people find themselves stopping whenever they hear her voice. I would have laughed if it had not happened to me. Not only does this woman have a set of pipes on her that stay on key like a laser-guided missile, but she conveys an immense amount of pain and emotion in her singing, too. For me, that’s the most attractive part.

Watch the video for the track “Track of Time” above, and stream several more songs from the LP below. Sadly, physical copies of the release are sold out, but there’s always digital!

Grab the album via Amazon right here.

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