David Lynch- "Good Day Today" & "I Know" ‡ STREAM / REVIEW

So director David Lynch is lacing up his gloves and jumping into the musical arena with a new double a-side single for the tracks “Good Day Today” and “I Know.” Of course, this isn’t the first time he’s participated in anything musical; the most recent of his efforts being Dangermouse and Sparklehorse’s Dark Night of the Soul. The physical release of this single is set for January 31st, 2011. Listen to both tracks via the links below.

“Good Day Today,” for me, was surprisingly normal. The strong electronic beat had me anticipating the worst, but the faint, robotic vocals weren’t bad. They reminded me a bit of Neil Young’s “Transformer Man” or Crystal Castles’ original mix of “Not In Love.” The track flows from its verse to its chorus without much contrast at all. As the track progresses, the only noticeable change was some extra percussion and some swelling with the oscillating synthesizers. Odd noises sputter and thump through the mix. Overall, it was a little repetitive, but has some nice textures. The lyrics were sweet and innocent, but I can’t say much more on them than that.

“I Know” is a little closer to what I expected. It’s a mutant piece of blues rock that I could picture Nick Cave or Tom Waits howling over. However, Lynch’s thin and misshapen vocals are just as haunting, though. Again, the lyrics here aren’t spectacular–I mean, they’re mostly a repetition of the words “I know,” but the sound of Lynch’s voice is really what steals the show. There are really subtle glitches as he sings, which could either be some odd edit or some distortion. For some reason, I can’t help but imagine some nerd in a trench coat singing this song on a dark and foggy train station platform.  Some jagged drums and tremolo effects on guitar make the atmosphere nice, and eerie. As Lynch releases more music, I hope to hear more stuff like this.

David Lynch- Good Day Today
David Lynch- I Know

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