Guess the Blog Contest!

The good people at We Listen For You have devised a plan to promote a band they love and get a contest going with our beloved readers in the blogosphere.

Basically, they filmed a video with the Pass for their song “Vultures.” Throughout this video are references to various music blogs. The Needle Drop‘s reference is pretty obvious, but there are thirty-eight other sites you’ll need to guess in order to win a fifty-dollar gift certificate to Insound. Zach explains the rules with a little more detail:

“To prevent people from listing every blog they know, if you guess a blog that isn’t featured in the video you get –1 points….one right you get +1.  The person with the most points win.  E-mail to answers to  Please don’t use the comment box to guess…they will not count.”

Get those e-mails going and watch the video down below to catch the references:

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