Belle & Sebastian- "Write About Love" ‡ MP3

Finally Belle & Sebastian are following up 2006’s the Life Pursuit with a new album. The album’s titled Belle & Sebastian Write About Love, and it’s set for a release via Rough Trade on 10/11.

The title track here is leaving me a little cold. It doesn’t seems more theatrical than catchy. It’s almost as if Stuart Murdoch hasn’t shaken his love of writing songs that tell a clear story from his excursion into the project God Help the Girl. The lyrics feature a guy singing about a girl, said girl singing about hating her job, and a general discontent. I bet love somehow ends up being the “hero” in the story. The track:

MP3: Belle & Sebastian- Write About Love

How do you think B&S will do this time around? Will it measure up to previous albums? Did you even listen to God Help the Girl? What’s your opinion on this track? Does it make you excited for a new album? Not so excited?

What do you think?

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