Gobble Gobble- "Lawn Knives" ‡ MP3

Gobble Gobble is a project name that really needs no introduction. I think it goes without saying that you’re in for something colorful, fun, and slightly out there on this one. The music here is entirely self-produced by the gentle hands of Canadian musician Cecil Frena. Word on the street is Cecil will be landing his first physical releases for Gobble Gobble on Royal Flying Rhino Recs, and this track is the a-side to a forthcoming single.

“Lawn Knives” sports some some strange vocals, a heavy beat, and some guitars that remind me of Dirty Projectors. It’s a pretty layered track, and sounds a lot longer than its actual two-minute length. I don’t want to jump the gun and say it’s complex, but there’s definitely more to be gained with each listen. Download and stream it below:

MP3: Gobble Gobble- Lawn Knives

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