Premiere: Dumbo Gets Mad- "Plumy Tale" ‡ MP3

Dumbo Gets Mad is a blossoming psych rock project out of Italy. It’s a solo venture, and surprisingly so. Rarely does a single person sound this engaging and dynamic.

“Plumy Tale” is the only song to released thus far, and it displays some undeniable taste. The opening sax and organ are a schmaltzy stroke of genius, while the chorused vocals call back to ’60s without shame. Chimes, electronic squawks, and other noises fill the mix as the drums keep things moving to a dirty groove. It’s music that’ll have Tame Impala and Ariel Pink fans drooling with desire.

It’s chaotic, yet controlled, and a “la la” chorus never sounded so good. Grab the track down below, and let me know what you think. Is psych rock alive again? Did it ever die? Do you want to join this project? Excited for the future?

MP3: Dumbo Gets Mad- Plumy Tale


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