Frankie Rose and the Outs- "Little Brown Haired Girls" | MP3

Frankie Rose has been the backing beat for quite a few powerhouses in the lo-fi circuit: Crystal Stilts, Vivian Girls, and Dum Dum Girls, for example. She’s released solo work before, but she’ll be doing it full-length style 9/21 with a new album on Slumberland. It’s titled after her band, Frankie Rose and the Outs. Grab the first track to leak from it below:

MP3: Frankie Rose and the Outs- Little Brown Haired Girls

What did you think of this? Pretty drenched in reverb, eh? Will this be the coolest thing Frankie has ever done? Is she suffering from a drummer’s complex that forces her to desire the spotlight since she’s relegated to the back of the stage as a percussionist? Drummers get a bad break sometimes, but they’re pretty important.

What do you think?

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